Saturn and Earth will be closest to each other. today

 As per Indian Standard Time (IST) at 11.30 am, Saturn and Earth will be closest to each other. It will be daytime in India but wherever there is nighttime, people will see a bright Saturn," said Dr Pattnaik.Earth takes about 365 days to orbit the sun while Saturn takes around 29.5 years for completing one full revolution of the sun, he informed.

"Once every year, Earth and Saturn come close to each other while revolving in their orbital path. In a time span of 1 year and 13 days they come closest to each other. Earlier, they came close on July 20, 2020 and will again do so on August 14, 2022," said the senior planetarium official.

know about saturns orbit:

The orbit of Saturn is larger than Jupieter's or Mars' orbits. It also travels in the opposite direction to Earth's rotation. This means that when saturn and earth come closer, they are on the same side of the sun. Though not common, this will occur for a few weeks every thirty years. The next time this will happen is 2020!

In 2020, Saturn is calculated to be at its closest point to Earth since 1988 - with roughly 6 billion miles between the two planets at their respective aphelion points. For comparison, that distance is roughly 11 times the height of the moon.

Of course, this level of closeness does not occur in every 30 year cycle. Therefore, this year we will be experiencing the next closest approach in 2006. However, this will be Saturn's closest approach to Earth since 1999 - with a whopping 21 billion miles between the two planets at their respective aphelion points.

In 2007 and 2008 Saturn will come closer than it has been to Earth for millions of years, and we are on track for two similar close approaches again in 2013 and 2016. These three times in the 2000 years will be Saturn's closest approach to Earth in our recorded history.

Saturn is the fifth largest planet in our solar system. It is also a gas giant, which means it is mostly made up of gases like hydrogen and helium. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn has no solid core, instead containing a liquid outer layer of hydrogen and helium and a gas layer between them. The amount of hydrogen gas in the atmosphere of Saturn is estimated to be around five times higher than Jupiter's! (source)

Saturn's moons are known as the 'satellite system.' They can be seen with the naked eye as small points of light when viewed with a telescope from Earth.
